Frequently Asked Questions
What is Soji Zen Center?
Soji Zen Center is a community of people who gather to meditate, study, and observe Zen Buddhist rituals together. The center was founded by Roshi Jules Shuzen Harris (1939-2023) and is affiliated with the White Plum Asanga, a teaching lineage representing elements of both the Soto and Rinzai Zen traditions.
How do I learn more about Zen practice at Soji?
The best way to learn more about practicing at Soji is to visit the center, where a teacher or senior student can answer any questions you might have. Sunday morning Dharma talks are a resource for learning about different elements of the practice, as are the many workshops that are periodically offered. The “Introduction to Meditation” workshop provides detailed instructions on meditation and is held a few times each year.
Do I have to be a member to participate?
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our activities. Members help to support the center by paying monthly dues and committing to the maintenance of the zendo in a variety of ways. Student membership is necessary to participate in the weekly study groups.
What programs are offered at Soji?
Soji offers multiple opportunities for participation each week. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our calendar. Hybrid programs (in-person and online) are available on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings, while virtual programs are offered on Tuesday and Friday mornings. The Sunday program includes service, meditation, and a dharma talk. There are also monthly one-day retreats (zazenkai) and workshops.
Why do some people wear robes?
Student members wear robes to foster a sense of “visual quiet” and similarity among the community. They are a material reminder of preparing for meditation and also allow a practitioner to sit comfortably.
How should I prepare to visit Soji?
Please wear black or another neutral color without patterns or words, as this reduces visual clutter. Comfortable clothes such as sweatpants are recommended. Try to arrive at least fifteen minutes before the start of the program during your first visit to allow time for a brief orientation.
Why are some people wearing more elaborate robes?
Those wearing the traditional Soto robes are priests. These are practitioners who, over the course of practice, feel they wish to take on the role of a caretaker of Soji Zen Center and its community. The majority of senior practitioners at Soji Zen Center are not ordained.
What are the bib-like garments some people wear around their necks?
The rakusu is a miniature “Buddha robe” and signifies that the wearer has taken a vow to follow the Bodhisattva precepts (Buddhist ethical guidelines). Typically, the wearer has practiced for at least one year and studied the precepts before making the commitment during a formal ceremony called “jukai.”
What is a retreat like?
Retreats, whether held at Soji Zen Center or at a retreat center, are ways to deepen our practice by engaging in intensive meditation for an extended period of time. They also often include dharma talks, private interviews, and liturgy. Soji Zen Center offers one-day retreats (zazenkai) and week-long retreats (sesshin) at various times throughout the year.
Why are some people struck with a stick during meditation?
The kyosaku or “encouragement stick” is a flat, hollow stick that has long been used to aid practice in the Zen tradition. People sometimes request the stick when they are feeling sleepy or when they wish to release tension in their neck, back or shoulders. The stick is used only at the request of the sitter!
What is the purpose of chanting?
Chanting serves many purposes. We chant poems and verses that have been handed down both because of their wisdom value and for the quality of their sound. Blending all voices into one sound, harmonizing, and joining together are all vital aspects of community practice.
How can I meet with a teacher?
During meditation periods, the teacher holds interviews (dokusan) with students and, if there is time, with guests. If the teacher’s attendant (jisha) asks if you are interested in an interview, you are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
How is Soji Zen Center managed?
Soji Zen Center is volunteer-based and is managed by a Board of Directors that makes financial and policy decisions. Sensei John Ango Gruber leads the teaching functions, and the center supports itself through donations and program fees. Although not required, donations by visitors are greatly appreciated.
Who is the current teacher at Soji?
Sensei John Ango Gruber is our guiding teacher. Ango Sensei received Dharma transmission (permission to teach) from the Soji’s founding teacher, Shuzen Roshi, in 2021. To learn more about Ango Sensei, read his biography on the About Us page.
Who founded Soji Zen Center?
Roshi Jules Shuzen Harris (1939-2023) founded Soji Zen Center. He was a Soto Zen priest who received Dharma transmission from Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara and held an Ed.D. in psychology with a concentration in human development. As both a Zen teacher and a psychotherapist, Shuzen Roshi found creative ways to synthesize Western psychology and Zen Buddhism to achieve dramatic results. An expanded biography of Shuzen Roshi can be found on the About Us page.