soji zen center

Explorations in Direct Experience

Saturday, May 4 | 10 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Newlin Grist Mill Park | Glen Mills, PA

“Not stuck to inside, outside or in-between…”

– Shitou Xiquien

This workshop will be led by our Shuso, Tetsunouma Riley, and will include individual and group exercises designed to cultivate direct experience of the teachings and themes contained in our Spring Ango study text, Song of the Grass Roof Hermitage. In the spirit of the natural setting of the poem, the workshop will be held outdoors at Newlin Grist Mill Park (219 Cheyney Rd, Glen Mills, PA 19342) and we will use our sensory awareness of the exterior environment as an entry point to inner contemplation. The schedule will include walking meditation, periods of sitting, guided activities, and reflection with sangha.

Suggested Donation: Members: $25; Non-Members: $30

Please fill out the registration form and make a payment via check made out to: “Soji: Dedicated To the Study of Zen Buddhism Inc.” (preferred) or at PayPal. The workshop is an in-person offering only.

Please DRESS FOR THE WEATHER by wearing good walking shoes and expect some potentially muddy paths. Our total walking distance will be approximately 2.5 miles.

Due to limited parking at the venue and ecological considerations, carpooling is encouraged. Would you be able to drive yourself and others? Please mark the registration form if you need a ride or are able to bring other participants from Soji in your car. Everyone that is in range of Soji will meet at 9 am and leave shortly after for Glen Mills. If it is raining, an announcement will be sent to all to move to rain date. This alternate plan will be to meet on May 11th and follow the same approach as above – with exception of shifted date.